Martha is a co-founder of Northern Edge Algonquin, a retreat center that focuses on self-discovery, empowerment, connection, and healing where she facilitates Heart Wisdom Transformational Retreats. Martha has always felt a deep connection with nature and has long been an initiator of circles, connecting people to themselves, each other, and the earth.

Her personal calling is to help herself and others heal personal, ancestral, & collective trauma. Passions she has explored over the years such as sound healing, qigong, yoga, shamanic healing, are all tools that she uses to restore connection, find peace, and live our lives fully in the present moment.

Martha holds a B.HK and B. ED from the University of Windsor.  It was when she began her own healing journey from childhood trauma that she was introduced to the healing power of circle work through a women’s empowerment program called Woman Within.  She followed this thread to explore her spiritual and ancestral roots through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies’ 3 Year Program of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing, and Sandra Ingerman’s 2 Year Teacher Training in Shamanic Journeying, Healing, and the Medicine for the Earth work, where she developed trust in her heart’s calling, personal intuition, and ability to create her dreams.

Martha Lucier with rattle - co-founder northern edge algonquin
Martha Lucier with rattle - co-founder northern edge algonquin

At the Edge, Martha led spiritually guided canoe trips, women’s empowerment retreats and shamanic training which fostered heart-connection to intuition, nature, and healing through active dreaming, ceremony, prayer, and shamanic healing methods for 20 years.

Yearning to evolve away from the teacher-centric structure of facilitating, to a more sustainable design that fostered shared, inclusive leadership, Martha was intuitively guided to create a year-long program called ‘The Way of the Circle,’ in 2012. The roots of this new program grew from the many shamanic circles she had been tending and facilitating at that time, with a focus on the wisdom of the circle and what is universal to all: the heart, the circle and nature. The Way of the Circle Centre was born, with their core offering being the Heart Wisdom Healing Retreats held seasonally at the Edge.

When she is not at the Edge, Martha finds great joy in sharing personal spiritual quests with her closest companions, which has led her all over the world to share & experience transformative experiences with healers, dreamers, and indigenous medicine people from all walks of life.

When facilitating retreats, Martha taps into a rich history of training and certifications, including:
B.HK, B. ED (University of Windsor)
600 hr Yoga Teacher Training (Allie Chisholm-Smith and Wendy Martin)
Trauma Sensitive Yoga (Center for Trauma and Embodiment)
Principles of Collective Trauma Healing (Thomas Hübl)
Healing Sounds Intensive (Jonathan Goldman)
Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Fundamental Training and Advanced Core Techniques (Ho’Omana Spa)
Certificate in Indigenous Cultural Awareness (First Nations Technical Institute)
Tracking & Nature Awareness (Tom Brown Jr.)
Wilderness Survival (Tom Brown Jr.)
3 Year Program in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing (Michael Harner & Foundation for Shamanic Studies)
2 Year Teacher Training in Shamanic Journeying, Healing, and the Medicine for the Earth (Sandra Ingerman)
10 Years of Women’s Empowerment Circle Work (Woman Within)
Awakening the Dreamer Facilitator (Pachamama Alliance)
Qigong Teacher Training (Lee Holden)
Past Advanced Wilderness First Aid (Solo Canada)
Past Basic Canoeing Instructor (Ontario Recreational Canoeing and Kayaking Association)

Rooted firmly in gratitude, I practice heart-centred living in the way of the circle, creating beauty and peace.