The Edge Insider Blog

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Recent Posts

Upgraded Solar Power System

Wow, we are over the moon! When you live (or host guest experiences) off-the-grid and on Solar Power, you quickly learn the impact of almost every decision related to your energy consumption. Over the years, we’ve carefully considered each and every upgrade we’ve made to the Edge, knowing that we were inching towards more and…

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Sharing Our Gifts

When we soften and tune inward, the quiet voice within can be heard. It is a key to unlocking a rich and dynamic world of intuition and personal truth that comes with revelations and a host of emotions including joy, excitement, trepidation, confusion and reconciliation with parts of ourselves that we have repressed to cope…

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Eclipse Season Embodiment

Guest Post By Kate Schuyler Eclipse season is a time of great shifts. Of the emergence of truth. Of quick movement and breakthroughs. These can be seen and felt in the external, the internal, or both. It is a time of “tower moments”, which in Tarot means, great change. Endings to bring beginnings. Waking up…

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Planning Your First Yoga Retreat

Teaching yoga is a career that has many ways of scaling up. You can start small, teaching occasionally or regularly out of a local studio. You can record classes and make them available online. You can grow your classes, teaching more students at more times or in larger spaces. You can also expand your modalities…

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