The growing trend in finding sustainable travel these days is amazing to me. It seems as if the moment you turn on the t.v. or read a local paper the buzz about global warming and the need to make change is all the talk.
When Northern Edge Algonquin was created the words eco lodge seemed to be the last reason on the list to visit, just an added bonus. These days visitors to Algonquin Park are looking for something more than just an experience, they are looking for sustainable values.
An eco lodge only just 5 short years ago was the envision of a tropical destination offering canopy tours and a rustic hut to lay your head at night, but now the trend has moved north, and the Edge, Algonquin Park’s eco lodge has everything a conscious traveller would be looking for in an eco lodge, including a chance to learn how everyone can live more sustainably even when arriving home.

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