I spend most of my work time at the office. There is always something to do, whether planning experiences, book-keeping, creating media, telling stories and simply paying bills!
Summer is often a busy time at the nature retreat (some would call it a resort – but when you live off the grid, surrounded by nature, we prefer calling it a retreat) with guests and team members coming and going at the Edge. The other day was quiet though. One of those rare days when the entire team has the day off and there are absolutely no guests on site. No one arriving, no one departing. Just Martha, myself and Tim hanging out in paradise.
It’s times like these that I feel truly blessed.
You might wonder what a perfect day here at the Edge of Algonquin Park looks like to me.
After creating and sharing multigrain home-made pancakes with some locally crafted maple syrup for Martha and Tim, Martha and I hopped on the SUPS for a paddle. I gave Martha a little lesson on using the sweeping recovery stroke to keep balanced and hold direction in the light breeze. Later we laid side by each and let the current and light breeze direct us across the lake home.
I spent most of my afternoon pulling weeds. One of those tasks that just sort of overtakes you and lets frees your mind. Stoop, twist pull. Stoop, twist pull.
Man I love the peace and tranquility of pulling weeds.
Later I wandered through the gardens, checked out the greenhouse and peaked in on the bees. The afternoon heat really gets them buzzing. They seem happy and healthy. Hopefully the brood is growing strong.
The next morning I found myself wading in the shallow beach nursing large stones into position at the steps from the garden to the lake. Every winter the ice and waves crash on shore and nudge the stone steps out of position. It looks natural and pleasing, but I prefer when the steps are level. So with shovel, rake, gravel and stones of varying shapes and sizes I put the stairs back into order. For guests joining us this weekend heading into the lake from the sauna, the journey into and out of the lake will be a little easier.

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