When Giving is Receiving

In gratitude for the healing journey I have experienced over the last year, I decided to start selling my art as “Gifts from the Heart” and donate the proceeds to the Heart Wisdom retreat scholarship fund. I have never sold my art but generosity has always come easily for me because I like to make people happy. When I create, I feel childlike wonder and happiness as I go into my “Happy Place” and Play.

I feel myself being nurtured! I find that I get inspired most when I close myself from the outside world by listening to music that makes me feel inspired; my favorite Artist is Fia. I invite you to listen to her song “Leave it all behind” and perhaps you will be inspired too! I have learned to listen to that voice in my head as I create the gift and I understand now that the voice is the Creator helping me to use the gifts I was born with. Every day I am Thanking the Universe for gifts; they always come just when I need them. We often refer to these experiences as a Coincidence or a Synchronicity or Deja-Vu. 

Accessing my creativity in this way has returned so many gifts to me as well. I see that when I hold an intention to give, I also receive in unexpected ways. Society has us believe that we need to win the lottery, or get a raise in our pay to be generous and happy, but gifts come in many forms.  I have been given free fabric for my quilting, free wool for knitting and crocheting, and I find treasures in thrift shops for my dream catchers.  Mother Earth has been very generous in providing me with sea shells, feathers, willow branches, pine cones, stones and gems. I love to walk into a store and just browse to see if there’s a treasure waiting for me to discover.

Recently I went into 2 different thrift shops and found the same item that read, “Having faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” I bought them both! Finding one could be a coincidence but finding 2 in 2 different stores felt like a message and assured me that I am on the right path along my journey.  I truly believe the Universe is giving ALL of us gifts every day, we are just too busy, stressed, or distracted to notice them. 

When my shadow self appears and I begin to doubt myself I shuffle my deck of Angel cards and I ask my Guardian Angel for guidance. One day I asked for Guidance on how to achieve this vision and share my Creative Gift to serve the Universe. My message was “THIS SITUATION IS ALREADY RESOLVED…is happily concluded…The angels have been working behind the scenes to heal the source of your concerns…Although you may not yet see how the issue has been resolved, trust that it has. Let go of worries, and relax with the certainty that all is well.”

We are all worthy of receiving unconditional love and happiness and it is in our giving that we will receive all that we ask for.  At my last retreat a participant suggested that I was a leader and I had honestly believed all my life that I was a follower until now. 

For the past 3 weeks I’ve been deep cleaning my house because I feel a need for a clean environment. I’ve been playing for so long that I fell behind in my work. I used to think of these tasks as tedious chores but I have tackled them lately with energy and I now see them as clearing my space and my spirit for more creativity.  I’m all caught up and now I’m free for fall gardening and my studio is ready for Winter Indoor Fun. I feel like I’m starting my life fresh and new. 

The clearing extended to my ancestors. I recently spent 4 hours at my parent’s gravesite and made peace with them and I now have compassion for the pain and suffering of my ancestors. After sending my love and healing energy I feel a sense of freedom; letting go of the past allowed me to release the negative energy from within. My new life of awareness  and insight has been a puzzle coming together piece by piece.  

Sending Love and Healing to all Life! Namaste, Elda Naydene

Hi, I’m Elda Naydene. I remember as a young child sitting in a church sermon and my soul wanted to ask the question out loud, “What is God?” but I was too afraid.  I have been searching for that answer a long time. When I joined a 12-Step Program and went to my first spiritual retreat 35 years ago, I finally asked a nun, “How do you get Faith?” I followed her advice and prayed for faith. Coming to the Heart Wisdom retreats at Northern Edge gave me the tools I needed to open my heart up, to use my voice and to “Trust the Universe!” And now I see miracles happening every day in my life.

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