what seeds are we planting?

seeds, planting, apple, seed, hands, child, adult, together, nature, life, garden, gardening, growing plant, cultivated, tree, permaculture, natural, learning, seed, permaculture, permaculture, permaculture, permaculture, permaculture

By Martha Lucier

As winter arrived in December I wondered what it would be like to be a turtle at the bottom of the lake experiencing the ice forming, and the weight of the snow on the ice as it weighed my body down.  This was an invitation to go deep and be still, making my winter home in the mud to receive the dreams of the Earth. 

With spring fast approaching as the ice and snow begin to melt, I sense the stirring of the seeds of the Earth’s dreams awakening.  I imagine a turtle shell deep within the earth, like a nest, holding many colourful iridescent turtle eggs, that are shining and preparing to hatch.  

The spring equinox is a potent moment to use our gift of dreaming, weaving our dreams with the big dream of mother earth.  When we dream and engage in ceremony on the Equinox we align ourselves with the energy/vibration of the Earth as she prepares for her own rebirth. 

This year will be my 25th year planting seeds for the gardens at the Edge.  One of my favourite things to do is put on some soft reflective music in the kitchen, and plant seeds that will nourish my life, the lives of my family, friends, community and beyond.  I plant the seeds with gratitude and loving intention.

Why do I create such intentionality around planting seeds? In my experience the seeds are metaphors for our potential and our hopes for the future. They also symbolize our relationship with the earth. Seeds may grow that are scattered randomly in any type of earth, but there is ancient wisdom about nourishing the things that nourish us. 

The small acts of giving the seeds the best possible start in life help me practice living in ceremony. Cultivating gardens around the retreat spaces here at the Edge is a way to contribute beauty and service. We don’t know how the seeds will manifest or when, and in some ways that makes it an act of faith.

Each turtle egg is a different colour like easter eggs, and holds unique potential for new beginnings. From deep within, a tree’s dormant energy begins to spiral up to the surface, fueling new growth. We too, are vessels for the hopes and dreams of the world. What dream seeds have you been dreaming throughout the winter?  What are the dreams of the Earth, our Mother? Spring invites us to translate our dreams into action.

Imagine how powerful we could be if we were dreaming together of a more beautiful world? Our dreams could connect to each other as part of  a magnificent tree of life.  

As we tune into this time of year, our inspiration for the Heart Flow retreat aligns with spring energy:

Under the waxing moon, our faithful hearts encourage us to trust again, we let the magic of water soften layered shells of protection. Gathering our strength from the fresh wind and the penetrating light, we expand our roots with the wisdom of time, we are lifted to new heights to meet our potential.

Martha collecting hollyhock seeds

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