by Jane Large
For many years I have had visions of a large circle of people standing hands in hands and heart to heart.
As others step up the circle, we open our hands to welcome them to that they too can stand with us, hand in hand and heart to heart. In the vision, I am standing in the circle, seeing this with through my own eyes. A sense of absolutely joy and alignment permeates the entire vision and my entire being. Often in my vision, I see this circle of people, symbolic of all humanity, encircling the Earth.

Painting by Jane Large
However, the day this song came to me I had a vision of standing beside a great mountain. The mountain welcomed me into its heart where the Tree of Life stood tall and it shared with me a story about how at this time humans are waking up to unity. This song tells the story of how we are walking each other up the mountain and at the top (or maybe even along the way) we finally realize that we are together, we are in it together and we rise together as the Human Family.
Mountain Song Lyrics:
I went to the mountain. It is where I found my Soul. (x2)
I went to the mountain to see what I could see. When I went to the mountain, what I saw is the glory of me.
I climbed up the mountain. It is where I found my Soul. (x2)
I climbed up the mountain to see what I could see. When I climbed up the mountain, what I saw is the glory of me.
I dug under the mountain. It is where I found my Soul. (x2)
I dug under the mountain to see what I could see. When I dug under the mountain, what I saw is the glory of me.
We went to the mountain. It is where we found our Soul. (x2)
We went to the mountain to see what we could see. When we went to the mountain, what we saw is the glory of we.
We climbed up the mountain. It is where we found our Soul. (x2)
We climbed up the mountain to see what we could see. When we climbed up the mountain, what we saw is the glory of we.
We dug under the mountain. It is where we found our Soul. (x2)
We dug under the mountain to see what we could see. When we dug under the mountain, what we saw is the glory of we.
In the years since this song has come to me, I have sung it many times in many countries. And as I have been called to sing it, it has changed as the story of humanity is changing. On my most recent trip to Israel and Jordan, when I was standing at the top of a very special mountain in the ancient city of Petra in Jordan, the song told the story of how we are standing at the top of the mountain together, and I great sense of peace, joy and harmony flowed through me as I sang the song. So this song has a life of its own and continues to tell the story of how the Human Family is coming together, remembering our most natural state of being – unity, community and co-creation together.

Drawing by Teresa Bendall

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