Guest Post by Jane Large, Retreat Attendee & Mentor, Circle Member
Each one of us is a living Key of Life. As a living Key, our presence unlocks the doorways that need to be opened. What unlocks the doorways is our embodiment of our Truths, the unique expressions of Source that we each are. The doorways that we each are able to unlock reveal the Light of Source that is concealed behind them; when the doorway opens, this reveals the aspect of Source that is ready to the seen and experienced.
To embrace ourselves as living Keys is a gift, for in doing so we allow ourselves to step into our fullest potential as Gate Keepers of Light. To embrace this Truth also comes with accountability, the Ancient Knowledge that we hold the keys to unlocking the greatest potential of humanity, literally, in the palm of our hands. It is with a strong connection to our Heart, which beats in time with the One Heart, that we may discern which doors to open and when. By connecting to the deep well of Source that flows within us, through us, and as us, we are able to sense the Light of Source that wishes to be revealed and know the inspired action required that opens the door to that Light. We may feel, hear, see, taste and smell the aligned moment when a door is ripe and ready to open, no matter how mundane or insignificant a situation may appear. I have come to understand that any moment is a potential moment for a doorway to open and that even the plainest of doorways is the threshold to the Light of Source within All. Ultimately, it is my own responsibility to be receptive and responsive to my sensing of these moments and act accordingly.
An example of an aligned moment presented itself to me recently. One morning I was called to wear a particular necklace I had not worn in a long time. It is a necklace that has a great deal of significance for me as it is one I purchased that helped me claim a Spirit Name. It is a simple black cord with a Rainbow crystal pendant. When I came home that day I could not take the necklace off for some reason. Instead of fighting this feeling, I surrendered to it and wore the necklace to bed. This feeling sparked my curiosity and I went into Dreamtime wondering what message the necklace had for me. When I got up in the morning, I understood that I was being called to give away the necklace to a student in one of my classes. As I prepared the necklace to give away, many emotions arose within me. I could feel within myself the significance of this action I was about to take. I was filled with such intense energy, I called upon my 4-legged Ally, the Deer, to support me in being steady and grounded, allowing whatever needed to unfold. I became aware that I was at the edge of a shift within myself, sparked by my choice to answer the call of the give away even though I did not know what the result would be.
As it turns out, Tanner was very moved by the gift and immediately put on the necklace. In fact, about a week later, Tanner told me that he has not been able to take off the necklace since I gifted it to him and that he feels empowered in a way he has never felt before. He noticed he is more calm and clear in situations that would have previously inflamed him and he feels stronger generally. He admitted that although this does not make sense to him in his mind, he has opened to this gift and is happy to be feeling stronger.
In reflecting on this whole situation, I realized another aspect to this Truth: that we are both Keys and Doorways. In this situation I was as much a Key as a Door, both unlocking and being unlocked. As a living Key, I unlock doorways to reveal the Light of Source within, and the Light of Source that is within me can be unlocked by the Keys that others hold, even if they do not know it. In this instance, it was the act of hearing the call and following through that initiated the shift within me, not the outcome of Tanner’s acceptance of the gift. By choosing to receive the necklace, Tanner allowed a doorway within himself to be unlocked, revealing his own Light of Source which he was finally ready to meet. This reflects the beauty of reciprocity that is being a living Key of Life: the ability to give and receive, the power to unlock and the willingness to be unlocked.
Home Practice
Gratitude practice is a potent Universal Key that unlocks doorways. Gratitude practice also supports us in seeing clearly what unfolds in Life in empowering ways.
Take some time at the beginning or end of your day to offer gratitude to all those who have been ‘Keys’ for you, who have unlocked your doorways and revealed the Light of Source within you. Also, offer gratitude for the opportunities you have had to be the ‘Key’ that has unlocked a doorway to reveal the Light of Source, wherever it was revealed. Acknowledge and give thanks to the senses that allow you to be receptive and responsive throughout your day.
Allow your Heart to guide your practice, so that it is heart-felt, spontaneous and authentic.

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