The Song of Creation

by Martha Lucier

In early November, 2022 a song came to me while on a walk. Have you ever noticed during a quiet time that a melody or message will come to you seemingly out of nowhere? Perhaps it is a tune that plays on the radio that seems to speak directly to the soul. 

“They are playing my song!”

If we take time to listen, we connect to the song of creation within each of us. As I have created space for these songs they have become more persistent and even wake me up at night until I acknowledge them by recording or writing them down.

As often happens, the melody comes first and then the words. At the time the song came, I had been having dreams about whales and entered the dreamtime to ask if they had a particular message for me. In 2009 they shared a story with me of a time when it would be important for humans to understand their song; an invitation to journey from their heads to their hearts to help save the planet and creation.  The whales shared with me that we are now living in that time, and that all of creation is calling us to come home to our hearts and awaken the wisdom within our bones. 

The plight of the whale for a healthy environment to raise its young is no different from the path of humankind. Nature has many ways of communicating to us in these subtle and powerful ways if we are listening. We need to take time in stillness and quiet to hear these messages from within. When the songs begin to emerge in us, these are our songs of creation coming forward. 

This dream was a sign for me that it was time to answer the call of the whales.  A week later I was with some of my family on a trip to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, to hopefully see some whales on one of the last whale watch expeditions of the season.  Between May and October, up to 13 species of cetaceans are found in the salty waters of the St. Lawrence, including minkes, belugas, blue whales, and humpbacks, which swim up into the mouth of the Saguenay Fjord near Tadoussac to feed. 

On the day of the whale watch, I awoke very early to dream with the whales asking why they were appearing to me in my dreams.  What message might they have?  

In my active dreaming, I entered the ocean and went very very deep to a place where a pod of all kinds of whales had gathered in a circle. A large pulsing orb of light was in the centre of the pod.  I have seen this orb before, representing a way of life and formula for peacemaking, anchoring peace upon the Earth.  The pulsing vibration of love is generated through our hearts.  The whales are calling out now, for the time has come to gather with other whale people, those who are engaged in heart-centred living and strengthen the call, raising the vibration of love.  

At a planetary level in the span of a human life, it can be difficult to notice the incremental changes that diminish life, but we are seeing the impacts more and more. During our visit, we were informed that the whale population was sparse and their food resources were diminished. As I stood behind my two grandchildren, I could sense their expectation and hopefulness. They were focused and attentive on seeing the thing that they desired. While we didn’t see the whales on our tour, we were gifted of seeing some minke and humpback whales up close as we waited in line to board the ferry. 

The whale story is about transmutation – we need to learn this song. As the planet speeds up in her own evolution, and climate change accelerates, humans are at a pinnacle moment of choice, to evolve consciously with planetary changes, or resist change and perish.  as old foundations and systems began to crumble, leaving many jobless and suffering.  It is time to co-create new systems and organizations upon a more sustainable foundation, where people are empowered to utilize their gifts and co-create new possibilities.  The pandemic has been a catalyst for change and evolution to occur within humans and the systems, organizations we have created to support our lives.  

The Way of the Circle is a template or formula for transformation.  To evolve personally we need to transform old beliefs, patterns, and relationships. Old stories, trauma, personal, ancestral and collective suffering keep us from growing into our greatest potential. As a whole, the scope of transformation needed can seem overwhelming. To begin, we need to become quiet and listen to the song of creation that is within each of us.

I invite you to listen to this special song (lyrics below)

Song of Creation by Martha Lucier

Song of the Earth, Song of the Tree of life,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Song of the river, song of the deep blue sea,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Teach us your wisdom, awakening our bones,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Song of the fire, song of the flame within,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Song of the wind, song of our breath,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Teach us your wisdom, awakening our bones.

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Song of our Mothers, song of our Fathers too,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Song of our ancestors, song of our children too,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Teach us your wisdom, awakening our bones,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Song of starry night, song of the shining moon,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Song of creation, song of great mystery,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Teach us your wisdom, awakening our bones.

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Song of the great blue whale, song of the howling wolf,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Song of the loon, song of the eagle,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Song of the faeries, song of the spirits of the land,

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Teach us your wisdom, awakening our bones.

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Teach us your wisdom, awakening our bones.

Carry us home, to the place where we belong.

Our next Heart Foundation Retreat is coming up soon!

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