Sharing Our Gifts

When we soften and tune inward, the quiet voice within can be heard. It is a key to unlocking a rich and dynamic world of intuition and personal truth that comes with revelations and a host of emotions including joy, excitement, trepidation, confusion and reconciliation with parts of ourselves that we have repressed to cope within our family of origin. It is an honour and privilege to witness these breakthroughs at our gatherings. Along with others who are at different stages of their healing journey, these insights combine and create momentum during a retreat that is truly inspiring.

A personal transformation can also make it more challenging to return home and try to fit ourselves back into our regular routines, commitments and relationships. The truth and wisdom within can challenge our old ways of thinking. In our newfound voice and personal truth, we may wish to share our insights and gifts with everyone around us. Our gratitude compels us and a natural feeling of reciprocity arises. If our sharing is not received with similar enthusiasm, it can stunt that fragile and tender place growing within us. Our self doubt can close the door that we worked so hard to unlock.

Photo by Kim Stiver:

It can be helpful at these times to remind ourselves that everyone is on their own path, and they come to new awareness at different times. It does not mean that our gifts are not worth sharing. Our circle wisdom has taught us that everyone has a sacred piece of wisdom and sharing it at the right time, and in the right way is a gift of service to all. But how do we know what to share and when it is right?

At our spring retreat, we worked with the energy of flow. We could observe in the element of water, how small rivulets of water flowed into bigger ones and mingled. Conversely, water that did not have the energy to get over barriers circled in on itself and created stillwater.  Like the water flowing, we have found trusting in the process of the way of the circle results in each person receiving the insights and healing they are ready to embody at the time. 

If our gifts are not received by others as imagined, we can think of it as universal feedback, either not now, or there is something even better coming if you can hold and distill the medicine you have received. Our most recent retreat brought us the wisdom from grounding rock energy to support the foundation and balance of divine gifts with the gifts and unfolding of others. When we wove this wisdom into a shared active dreaming activity, we found that alone we could go fast, but together we could go far.

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