Having reached the magical age of 66, I find myself reflecting on who I am and what I have learned.
Here are some of the keys for me:
- There are many roads to that high place and they are all good roads
- Teachers come at exactly the right time, in all forms, races, ages, human and non-human, seen and unseen
- When I go deep answering the call of Spirit to do my work and unbelievable, unexplainable things happen, I give thanks for the magic and release the need to “understand” how this works
- Not all valuable lessons are delivered in love and light
- The attitude of gratitude for all of the many blessings in my life is the key to happiness
- My vision is clear and my connection to Creation gets stronger every day
- My bones are crystalline, like the bones of Mother Earth, and everywhere I walk, I am interacting with her in intentional ways
- I have the power to clear ancestral lines, past, present and future, for the highest good of all
- I can manifest anything in my life by being Divinely inspired and knowing and feeling without doubt that gifts are already on their way to me
- I, as a human being, am here to remember my original instructions, following sacred law and living in balance with all of Creation
- Every day, I strive to maintain the highest vibration of truth, love and compassion
- In order to nurture loving relationships, I have to let go of all old dysfunctional behaviour patterns, limiting beliefs and judgments
- I accept only respectful, loving, supportive, uplifting relationships into my life
- Everything I need to know is already within me
- I am surrounded by all the wisdom, help and support I need to assist me on my path
- I am safe and protected always
- I have many gifts I have not even taken out of the box yet
- There is no me, there is only we
Much love to all From my heart to your heart.
Home Practice:
Take a few quiet moments to reflect on the flow of your life.
There may be areas where the flow is smooth and easy.
There may be other areas of turbulence.
Is there a key within the turbulence that can open a portal of understanding for you at this stage of your life?
Take a deep breath and dive deep to find out.
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Thank you Jan for sharing your wisdom. Your words resonate truth and confidence for me. Blessings.
I carry your gracious wisdom in my Heart. May Spirit continue to unfold its’ beauty and mystery to your open soul. With grace, gratitude and joy in my heart, Love Nancy.
Thank you for this deep wisdom, Jan. I too, feel the truth in them and am filled with gratitude to you for sharing them through words here, that I can re-read. May blessings of love flow your way.