Guest Post by Karin Vanhinsberg, Retreat Attendee/Mentor & Circle Member
In my heart I feel that all things connected with standing in our own Pillar of Light are also seeds to planting the dream of Unity. Our Pillar of Light is us shining out as our fully embodied, empowered selves; our way of Being our own Sanctuary, our own Home. When we take steps to living in this way we are also planting the seeds of Unity in each other. One such seed is that Everything is a Remembering of who we are, how strongly we are guided; and, why we are here.
In a healing dream: I attend a gathering. We are offered a ride on an Elephant. The Elephant is huge, mammoth-like and has long hair. I am placed on a very small spot on its neck. As the Elephant begins to move forward, the movement is so smooth that it feels more like flying. I have an incredulous slow-dawning realization that we are indeed flying. Tears and deep soul weeping flow out of me unitl I am eventually lifted off the Elephant and gently cared for as I weep, and soften and melt into this ancient Remembering.
In the Dictionary of Nature Myths; Earth, Sea and Sky; the author Tamra Andrews recounts that the ancient Hindus ‘believed that clouds were the celestial relatives of white elephants but also that all elephants could fly (until one day an angered yogi took that power away from them)’. This reminds me of how I may have given away my own power to others or believed I was not whole or somehow capable of standing with my own light shining bright. But the Remembering of this ancient Truth brings home to me my wholeness; and, a prayer that we may all remember we are already Whole.
So how is Everything a Remembering of who I am, how I am guided and why I am here? The home I own now speaks to me. I was guided by my Intuition, the flow of synchronicities and words spoken from caring friends; to find my own community. I feel I am the steward of this 90 year red brick, white vernada-ed, 4 storey abode. The wood floors, many stairs and nooks and cranies of my grandparents’ homes; the old cupboards (many time painted) of the farmhouse I spent part of my childhood in; and the garden stuffed with peonies and huge headed hydrangeas reminicent of family and farm gardens- all remind me of who I am and the ancestral ‘tea’ I was steeped in. The 4 storeys speak to me of honouring the 4 directions, the view of Lake Couchiching reminding me of honouring the Water and the waterbird clans. Taking care of this home has been a builder of my strength, a place to shine my light with room to receive loving visitors and family; a place I have been able to nurture remembering all that I am. It has been a place from which I have felt the call to be a bridge of unity, to participate in raising us all up. A place from which to step out from to plant beautiful Seeds of Unity.
Dear Creator,
we pray for the children of this world, in all lifetimes
we pray for blessings for the Waters of this world
we thank the waters for raining down abundance upon us
reminding us that we are already whole.
Home practice
From your heart space, what do you feel the seeds of Unity look like, sound like, feel like?
Connecting with a Guide, and accompanied by all your senses, ask to be taken on a road trip to be shown how ‘everything’ in your daily life and dreams is a Remembering of the wisdom of who you are.
What would it be like, feel like look like and sound like- to honour the scenes of this road trip and embody them?
How do you see yourself, planting and nurturing your seeds of Wholeness and Unity?

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Hi Karin, Charlene here. Loved the elephants. ‘Memory of an elephants’ is an old saying and appropriate to the vision you described. It’s good to here from and about you. Give me a call if your up to it. Charlene. 705 689 9021
Thank you Karin for offering such a beautiful and inspiring sharing. You are a shining Light radiating Love and Joy. With so much love in my Heart for you, Nancy
Thank you Karin! So insightful and helped me acknowledge the memories of place and the knowledge that our seeds planted and cared for follow our divine consciousness blueprint and continue to grow and reach our for connection and wholeness. Thank you Sandi