Most people spend 60% of their working lives at work. According to a recent study, an engaged employee is 44% more productive than a satisfied worker, but an employee who feels inspired at work is nearly 125% more productive than a satisfied one. Organizations with inspired employees perform better than the rest. (Harvard Business Review / Bain & Company).
Gallup International polls show that close to 70 percent of all employees are disengaged from their work, and many of them are actively disengaged. Every human being, not just a special few, are capable of creativity and innovation—of becoming a full player in the transformation of business outcomes.
Developing human potential and rich connections helps empower team members and social physics liberates the benefits of social connections within and beyond your organization. Generate new thinking to evolve your operations, industry and your impact in a changing world.
Those team members encouraged to be social beyond their department, beyond your business, even beyond your industry will become the most creative, productive and quality producing members of your team.
Is it time for your organization to design new and better ways of working?
A regenerative business grows its members, every single one of them, into innovators with a shared commitment to bring forward disruptive ideas that are uncopiable and undeniably transformational for your customers.

Are you looking to plan the ultimate corporate retreat?
Our comprehensive guide walks you through everything from picking the perfect location, planning activities and team games, creating meaningful agendas, and more. With years of experience in hosting executive retreats, delivering team-building and strategic planning retreats – we know what it takes to make your corporate retreat one that will be remembered for years to come.
A copy of our Corporate Retreat Planning Guide is on its way to your inbox.