A guide to evoking your inner wisdom.
By Trae Robinson
When answering the phone at the Way of the Circle Centre the first words we often hear on the other end of the line are, “Hi, I am looking for a Shaman”. Equally, calls come from compassionate people who say, “I am a Shamanic Healer. I have visions and I want to heal others.”
Over many years of hosting transformative retreats at Northern Edge Algonquin, we have come to realize the best way to help others and heal anything is not actually by seeking someone else to transform us, but to go within and sit with our inner counsel. There is no “other”. If you want to learn how to be the creator of your life and access power that you never dreamed of before – we can help you do that.
The more we do it, we have come to understand the magic sauce that empowers and transforms. Honed over decades, our formula is to create a circle of support, ask powerful questions, seek wisdom in nature, and nourish each other. We laugh, we cry, we dance, we sing, we consciously explore our limitations, we heal separation, and we grow.
It’s both ancient and innovative. And it really works.

When we say the answers to all our questions are within us, self-acceptance is a foundational first step. Many people struggle with this profound and simple truth. Callers who are seeking a Shaman or healer still wish to have an external power to see the truth within themselves. While gifted traditional healers practice around the world, there are also wounded healers and those who cause harm rather than helping.
Here’s the big secret. The most skillful and wise Shamans will ultimately tell you the same thing we do – the key to enlightenment is developing your inner guidance system.
While we never said it would be easy, we can assure you that it is worth it. The Way of the Circle is a journey to understand personal and collective power. Each insight brings a new spiral of growth. When people come to experience these moments of oneness and bliss, they find a universal truth underpins all of it. What is the bliss? What is the power?
It’s a dangerous four-letter word that we can’t talk about in some places, and we talk about meaninglessly in others.
Love is the powerful frequency that keeps balance in a world occupied with conflict and power struggle. It appears in many faces as care, compassion, empathy, belonging and self-worth. Sometimes, it appears as knowing our boundaries, claiming our power and letting go of things that keep us from evolving.
Every Shaman and plant medicine journey to the ends of the world and beyond comes to find out the same thing. There are no gurus at the Way of the Circle and we trust that people will find us when the time is right for them. Our teachers are elemental and essential. Teachings are alive in the water, the earth, the air and the fire. Wisdom resides in the trees, the animals, the changing weather, your breath and your dreams. We can help you connect to the field of possibility because you can never truly be separated from it. Many people say that coming to the circle is like coming home to oneself.
When you are ready, we are here to welcome you home.
Our next Heart Foundation Retreat is happening soon.

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