I had a dream for my daughter and it was a healing story about the teachings of the whales. Long long ago, before humans walked the Earth Whale was given a very important mission. This is the story of how they came to receive a golden key to the universe.
With a thunderous roar the spark of life was created in the vast oceans on this home we call Earth. With each breath of the Creator, life expanded under the pulsating waves in the waters of life. The grandest and largest of them all was Whale.
The size of Whale made it the perfect container for the Creator to place a golden key. Whale was accustomed to traveling deep thus the key would be safe. The key was to be shared only when necessary and only when the waters of life could no longer sustain the beauty of creation within it.
The key resembled a glowing orb of light and was placed within the biggest heart in the Ocean, and indeed on Earth: the Heart of Whale.
Humankind was also given an important gift upon creation. They were given the ability to co-create; the same ability as the Creator.
As time went by Whale began to notice the life waters getting warmer and cloudier. Could it be that the humans had forgotten the key that they carried? It was getting harder to find food to feed the young. The Whale Family signaled to each other that it was time to gather in council and share the wisdom that they had kept safe since the beginning of time.
A Grand Pod of Whales came together from around the world to form a circle. They began to sing from the depths of the ocean creating the most hauntingly beautiful song ever heard on the planet.
As they sang their hearts burst open shedding light together, creating a beautiful white orb that began to grow and pulse in the centre of the circle of Whales. With each pulse waves ascended from deep within the ocean carrying the vibration of love from the very heart of Whale. Those who were truly listening would hear this song.
As the Whale song was heard wisdom and deep love was transmitted to Humankind. They were reminded of their own power and the choice they had in creating the world of their dreams.
Those who heard the song were able to capture this wisdom while using it wisely. They called together pods of their own kind and sang the song taught to them by Whale, sending out more signals even further than Whale’s song could reach.
A circle formed around the Earth and as the song grew the Earth and all of life upon the Earth experienced deep, deep love. The hearts of Humankind together contained more love than the planet had ever known. The life Waters began to clear. The air became sweeter and lighter as the light of creation flowed through the veins of the Earth. Life upon the Earth was at peace.

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