Circle Stories From The Heart

A collection of stories, reflections, home practices, and more from circle members and facilitators of the Way of the Circle Centre.

The Beauty of Creation and The Place Between

I had come to Lake Ontario that day to give thanks for Nature’s incredible Beauty of Creation that I perceive through all my senses, and which sustains me, even in the darkest of times. I left with a ‘gnowing’, that there is no separation between the Sacred Spiral of Creation to which I sang, and the continuously evolving energy that is me. I am the Beauty of Creation, and so are you. We are one, as experienced through life, gratitude, love, and the myriad acts of self-expression that are Creation itself.

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Ancestral Threads: Rooting Connections Through Waves of Change

Grandmother Cedar has been a voice of the Great Mother, calling us home. The time of living our lives externally has come to an end. We must find our way back home to ourselves; our inner life and drink from our inner well and light. Our disconnection from Mother Earth; the power of creation and spiral of life has led to disharmony, emptiness, war, conflict, and unfulfilled lives. We are now at the Great Turning point, moving to the centre of the spiral, going within to the place of oneness. It can be a treacherous journey without tools to navigate the dark passages; however, we have the light of our hearts to lead the way.

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